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//! The suite of traits allowing CPAL to abstract over hosts, devices, event loops and stream IDs.
use {
/// A **Host** provides access to the available audio devices on the system.
/// Each platform may have a number of available hosts depending on the system, each with their own
/// pros and cons.
/// For example, WASAPI is the standard audio host API that ships with the Windows operating
/// system. However, due to historical limitations with respect to performance and flexibility,
/// Steinberg created the ASIO API providing better audio device support for pro audio and
/// low-latency applications. As a result, it is common for some devices and device capabilities to
/// only be available via ASIO, while others are only available via WASAPI.
/// Another great example is the Linux platform. While the ALSA host API is the lowest-level API
/// available to almost all distributions of Linux, its flexibility is limited as it requires that
/// each process have exclusive access to the devices with which they establish streams. PulseAudio
/// is another popular host API that aims to solve this issue by providing user-space mixing,
/// however it has its own limitations w.r.t. low-latency and high-performance audio applications.
/// JACK is yet another host API that is more suitable to pro-audio applications, however it is
/// less readily available by default in many Linux distributions and is known to be tricky to
/// setup.
pub trait HostTrait {
/// The type used for enumerating available devices by the host.
type Devices: Iterator<Item = Self::Device>;
/// The `Device` type yielded by the host.
type Device: DeviceTrait;
/// The event loop type used by the `Host`
type EventLoop: EventLoopTrait<Device = Self::Device>;
/// Whether or not the host is available on the system.
fn is_available() -> bool;
/// An iterator yielding all `Device`s currently available to the host on the system.
/// Can be empty if the system does not support audio in general.
fn devices(&self) -> Result<Self::Devices, DevicesError>;
/// The default input audio device on the system.
/// Returns `None` if no input device is available.
fn default_input_device(&self) -> Option<Self::Device>;
/// The default output audio device on the system.
/// Returns `None` if no output device is available.
fn default_output_device(&self) -> Option<Self::Device>;
/// Initialise the event loop, ready for managing audio streams.
fn event_loop(&self) -> Self::EventLoop;
/// An iterator yielding all `Device`s currently available to the system that support one or more
/// input stream formats.
/// Can be empty if the system does not support audio input.
fn input_devices(&self) -> Result<InputDevices<Self::Devices>, DevicesError> {
fn supports_input<D: DeviceTrait>(device: &D) -> bool {
.map(|mut iter|
/// An iterator yielding all `Device`s currently available to the system that support one or more
/// output stream formats.
/// Can be empty if the system does not support audio output.
fn output_devices(&self) -> Result<OutputDevices<Self::Devices>, DevicesError> {
fn supports_output<D: DeviceTrait>(device: &D) -> bool {
.map(|mut iter|
/// A device that is capable of audio input and/or output.
/// Please note that `Device`s may become invalid if they get disconnected. Therefore all the
/// methods that involve a device return a `Result` allowing the user to handle this case.
pub trait DeviceTrait {
/// The iterator type yielding supported input stream formats.
type SupportedInputFormats: Iterator<Item = SupportedFormat>;
/// The iterator type yielding supported output stream formats.
type SupportedOutputFormats: Iterator<Item = SupportedFormat>;
/// The human-readable name of the device.
fn name(&self) -> Result<String, DeviceNameError>;
/// An iterator yielding formats that are supported by the backend.
/// Can return an error if the device is no longer valid (eg. it has been disconnected).
fn supported_input_formats(&self) -> Result<Self::SupportedInputFormats, SupportedFormatsError>;
/// An iterator yielding output stream formats that are supported by the device.
/// Can return an error if the device is no longer valid (eg. it has been disconnected).
fn supported_output_formats(&self) -> Result<Self::SupportedOutputFormats, SupportedFormatsError>;
/// The default input stream format for the device.
fn default_input_format(&self) -> Result<Format, DefaultFormatError>;
/// The default output stream format for the device.
fn default_output_format(&self) -> Result<Format, DefaultFormatError>;
/// Collection of streams managed together.
/// Created with the `Host::event_loop` method.
pub trait EventLoopTrait {
/// The `Device` type yielded by the host.
type Device: DeviceTrait;
/// The type used to uniquely distinguish between streams.
type StreamId: StreamIdTrait;
/// Creates a new input stream that will run from the given device and with the given format.
/// On success, returns an identifier for the stream.
/// Can return an error if the device is no longer valid, or if the input stream format is not
/// supported by the device.
fn build_input_stream(
device: &Self::Device,
format: &Format,
) -> Result<Self::StreamId, BuildStreamError>;
/// Creates a new output stream that will play on the given device and with the given format.
/// On success, returns an identifier for the stream.
/// Can return an error if the device is no longer valid, or if the output stream format is not
/// supported by the device.
fn build_output_stream(
device: &Self::Device,
format: &Format,
) -> Result<Self::StreamId, BuildStreamError>;
/// Instructs the audio device that it should start playing the stream with the given ID.
/// Has no effect is the stream was already playing.
/// Only call this after you have submitted some data, otherwise you may hear some glitches.
/// # Panic
/// If the stream does not exist, this function can either panic or be a no-op.
fn play_stream(&self, stream: Self::StreamId) -> Result<(), PlayStreamError>;
/// Instructs the audio device that it should stop playing the stream with the given ID.
/// Has no effect is the stream was already paused.
/// If you call `play` afterwards, the playback will resume where it was.
/// # Panic
/// If the stream does not exist, this function can either panic or be a no-op.
fn pause_stream(&self, stream: Self::StreamId) -> Result<(), PauseStreamError>;
/// Destroys an existing stream.
/// # Panic
/// If the stream does not exist, this function can either panic or be a no-op.
fn destroy_stream(&self, stream: Self::StreamId);
/// Takes control of the current thread and begins the stream processing.
/// > **Note**: Since it takes control of the thread, this method is best called on a separate
/// > thread.
/// Whenever a stream needs to be fed some data, the closure passed as parameter is called.
/// You can call the other methods of `EventLoop` without getting a deadlock.
fn run<F>(&self, callback: F) -> !
F: FnMut(Self::StreamId, StreamDataResult) + Send;
/// The set of required bounds for host `StreamId` types.
pub trait StreamIdTrait: Clone + std::fmt::Debug + std::hash::Hash + PartialEq + Eq {}